When the Fork Did it all Begin?!
Forks. yes, Forks.
The fork is one of the most common things we use everyday.
We started using them at a young age, but do you know the proper names of the elements on a fork?
The name fork is believed to originate from the Latin word furca, which means pitchfork. Compared to knifes and spoons, the fork is actually relatively younger. It is believed that the earliest use of the fork was during the Roman Empire, during the advancement of the metallurgy industry.
Let's take your standard kitchen fork, this simple eating mechanism actually has 7 parts. Each unique to it's own!
1.) Handle
2.) Tine
3.) Point
4.) Slot
5.) Root
6.) Back
7.) Neck
Over time the forks physical properties have changed. For example, during the Middle Ages in Europe, forks only had two prongs, compared to todays forks which typically have 4 prongs.
As many of us know, upscale restaurants have a variety of silverware ready for consumers to use at dinner, with typical 2 or more forks.
Like many people do, forks are looked over and under appreciated. Hopefully after this short blog you gain more information and appreciate for your own forks at home.
--by Hailley Baughman
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