Silverware Jewelry in the Art Gallery: Lost & Forged Creation to be Featured

Twisted Fork Silver Candlesticks LostAndForged

Arts Benicia will be featuring our Twisted Fork Silver Candlesticks in their upcoming Table Testaments exhibit, from November 16th through December 20th, 2019. The gallery is located at 991 Tyler Street, Ste. 114, Benicia, CA 94510.

The candlesticks will be available for purchase during the exhibit there at the gallery. If you can't make it, though, not to worry! You can buy a shiny, matching pair right here on our website, too.

Looking for spoon rings and other silverware jewelry and decor creations? Please visit our website home page or check out these categories:

Spoon Rings LostAndForged All Spoon Rings


Fork Bracelet LostAndForgedFork Bracelets 


Bud Vase Silver Fork Decor LostAndForgedAccessories & Decor


 Whole Spoon Rings, Demitase Spoon Rings


 Spiral Twist Spoon Rings

 Gemstone Spoon Rings

Gold Spoon Rings, and Two-Tone Spoon Rings

Birthstone Spoon Rings

Dragon Ring Spoon Rings, Dragon Spoon Rings

Judaica Spoon RingsJudaica Spoon Rings